Sunday 4 September 2016

Term 3 Week 7

Another busy week ahead.

Monday morning- School Prayers
Tuesday morning - Father Pat visiting Room 7 
Tuesday afternoon -ICT with Mrs Flannery
Wednesday afternoon- Teachers away at NZEI meeting. Please let school know if you are able to take your child home for the afternoon. If not Mrs Eastwood will be here.
Friday- spelling test from last week. With sewing and assembly preparations we didn't get this done last Friday.

Production Costume-Ice-creams
I would like all children to be dressed in a large white t-shirt which we will add spots of material to, as hundreds and thousands and a pair of plain coloured tights. Hopefully the girls will already have a pair of tights and the boys may be able to borrow some off a sister or friend!! Bright colours are best. Orange, yellow, green, pink etc... like ice-cream cones. 
I am hoping to make a cherry headpiece for each child using a balloon, elastic and  cardboard. 
To make it easier for you and to ensure the children all look the same, I would like to purchase the t-shirts and few other materials for a small cost of $5 each. If this doesn't suit you please let me know by this Friday. Many Thanks Neroli

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