Sunday 30 April 2017

Term 2, Week 1

Welcome back everybody. I hope you all had a great Easter and holiday.
This term we welcome Lilli, Boston and Jack to Room 7!

We start swimming lessons this week, dates being:- 

Every Tuesday and Thursday for 5 weeks, with the final session being on Thursday 1st June. 

Room 7 will swim at 12:30pm on Tuesdays and 1:30pm on Thursdays. We will travel to and from the pool by bus and take our lunch with us on Tuesdays. PLEASE NO PIE WARMERS ON TUESDAYS.

Please check ALL clothing is named. I recommend the girls wear trackpants on these days rather than tights and kilts.

This term we will be having Discovery Time every Wednesday afternoon with Room 3. We would really appreciate any parent/grandparent help on any of these afternoons particularly if you have a skill to share. Eg finger knitting, crochet, scrapbooking, baking, woodwork, card making, recorder etc. Regina would also like somebody to help her work with small groups of children in the garden.

This term our over riding theme is "Living In Harmony" - this moves on from our "Belonging" theme last term. I will be incorporating new learning from our staff Professional Development in Restorative Practice into our classroom climate, and how we all relate to each other and make and maintain friendships.

School Mass - Sunday 28th May

Queens Birthday Holiday - Monday 5 June

Poetry Eisteddfod last week of term.

Ice-Skating lessons - start week 7, June 13, 20, 22, 27, 29 and July 4.

Those children who have learned all their basic sight words will begin Spelling this Friday. A list of 5 words will be pasted in their Homework book every Friday. Children will be taught how to say the word, then hear and record the sounds using their tool hand. These are to be done each night Mon-Thurs with a test on Friday. Please keep this homework book in their book bag.

Have a good week

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Prayer Eisteddfods

Congratulations to

Milla and

who will be presenting their prayers at the Eisteddfod assembly in Church tomorrow afternoon at 1.30pm.